Please send any pic's you have to be included.

(Please note all photographs are copyright of Bob Rodham
so please check with Bob before use)

please click on thumbnails to expand



First Row Youth Selection Centre Stafford (thanks to Pete Lewis)

PL-160511-6.jpg (27203 bytes) PL-160511-5.jpg (48172 bytes) PL-160511-4.jpg (40536 bytes) PL-160511-3.jpg (36747 bytes) PL-160511-1.jpg (28530 bytes) PL-160511-2.jpg (30041 bytes)
Arrival and Induction Plan 223 & 408BR-291010-1.jpg (156880 bytes) Human Pincushions !
br-031106-1.jpg (39376 bytes)br-031106-2.jpg (42155 bytes)
Is this how you felt during that first week !
faces.jpg (23018 bytes)

   These 4 from Pete Dunne
 Outside block 1971-2 (York Flight) with F/Lt POK Plumpton

PD-201222-1.jpg (84616 bytes)  PD-201222-2.jpg (70603 bytes)  PD-201222-4.jpg (68778 bytes)  PD-201222-3.jpg (61116 bytes)

Pay details from 
Ron Priest
207 entry

BR-190317-1.jpg (59060 bytes)

These from Paul (Lofty) Deakin   (1971 payslip on left, School Colours on right)

PD-220511-1.jpg (37685 bytes)  PD-220511-2.jpg (10216 bytes)  PD-220511-3.jpg (12075 bytes)  BR-090423-1.jpg (288368 bytes)

    Outside block 1972
block.jpg (45528 bytes)
  block-d1.jpg (48280 bytes)
block-front1.jpg (39730 bytes)
  Outside-Ian Hovey.jpg (30833 bytes)


       Pic below - signatures from the guys to Taff Wilson, second 
         needs no explanation from me

                          taff1.jpg (73740 bytes)  taff5.jpg (37897 bytes)


                                      not long after arriving from the left
                             me, Steve Farmery, Phil Jones and Phil Scott

                         2nd & 3rd pic is of the Parents Day menu
                                          and itinerary November 71

                           might give you a laugh - brat pay rates 71
                              plus Dick Bothamleys September 71 pay slip !


           guys.jpg (41717 bytes)         Parents Day.jpg (96452 bytes)   parentsDay.jpg (67619 bytes)         
            pay1.jpg (31288 bytes)    db-230806-09.jpg (63296 bytes)          
                   route.jpg (37994 bytes)    ryan.jpg (52969 bytes)
                          whitehall.jpg (48440 bytes)  taff10.jpg (26612 bytes)

    Remember this ?
   Lining the route at Whitehall
   not sure where the last one was
   taken though

                              wales.jpg (29632 bytes)    Adventure_Training.jpg (69589 bytes)

         Scotty2.jpg (80592 bytes)  BR-170718-9.jpg (44918 bytes)  BR-170718-6.jpg (69250 bytes) BR-170718-7.jpg (47381 bytes) 

    What about this lot of 'Leckies'
    Dave Milnes, Steve Farmery,
    Noddy Steeples, D.Jones, Phil Scott,
            Phil Jones, me
          Summer camp Wales

Remember that bloody hill !!!!

          Not a pretty sight - Rod

             taff9.jpg (18210 bytes)

                  taff6.jpg (33377 bytes)

       Rae (David Bailey) Stevens

   OK where's me drum ! -Taff                    Dick Bothamley

               taff2.jpg (36167 bytes)                           db-120706-03.jpg (36753 bytes)     

                    taff3.jpg (9015 bytes) 

                    Taff Wilson

        Mick(pretty boy)Stelmach

                  taff8.jpg (21776 bytes)

                                       Blemings.jpg (28598 bytes)
                           Rich Hopkins, Steve Blemings,
                               and I think Steve Adams ?    
      Dinn.jpg (19670 bytes)  Dinn2.jpg (16167 bytes)
           3 Wing Christmas Dinner
              P-out.jpg (43266 bytes)
                Pass out Invitation
                 championships.jpg (42804 bytes)                db-150608-.jpg (36404 bytes)           M-show.jpg (44178 bytes)
               Inter schools                                 Motor Show